timestamp1689850800000Release Notes 9.4.9by AngelaService CRM Features We have deployed an enhanced, modern daily download process that has significantly sped up how long it takes to receive DMS data throughout the day. Our customers with large store counts will notice this the most,
timestamp1689850273955Hyundai Auto Canada Corp Sales Leads Integrationby Tommy Harris, Group Product ManagerHyundai Auto Canada Corp (HACC) has decided to move away from using a third party Internet Lead Management tool (Rapid RTC) and is now integrating directly with DMS and CRM systems. Below are instructions on how to manage and process the
timestamp1685455192244DealerMine Knowledge BaseAs our new release notes format is a “go forward” change, this means that all release notes prior to 9.4.8 (May 2023) that form our existing knowledge base, still remain in their original form and location. They can continue to be found
timestamp1685381448074Release Notes Version 1.2.4by Tommy Harris, Group Product ManagerHere is what we have been working on in DealerMine Sales CRM Mobile App, which is currently avaiable in the App Store and Google Play Store by searching for DealerMine CRM.
timestamp1683622800000Release Notes V 9.4.8by AngelaUpdating our users more effectively Every time we have a new update within our application, you’ll be notified by seeing this icon under your name tag. Simply click the icon to read the updates. You’ll be able to leave feedback and