Coming Soon!

Get ready for a ride through the latest upgrades and fixes that'll improve your dealership experience!

  1. Engage AI - Batch Texting - Batch texting is even better than ever with Engage AI. Customer outreach is about to get even easier! Stay Tuned!

  2. Sales CRM - Dashboards - Better sales strategy for improved team performance. Our new Sales CRM Dashboard will provide a comprehensive overview of the sales process, helping sales teams and managers make informed decisions. More information to come!

Service CRM Features

  1. VIN Merge Field - The SerNo merge field has been added to the Service merge fields for configuring Texting templates.

Service CRM Fixes

  1. Voice Drops -There was an issue where certain qualifying vehicles were needlessly excluded from voice drops because they appeared to be outside the 18-month trigger specifications, despite actually being within the specified range. This occurred specifically in merged customer records where the vehicle was owned by the child file and the service history from the parent file wasn't taken into account. As a result, these vehicles were removed from the voice drop campaign. Don’t worry though, we sorted it out and everything is back on track!

DealerMine Fixes

  1. Automatic Logout - There was an issue where users were not being logged off automatically after being inactive in DealerMine for 60 minutes or more. Now, after 60 minutes of being inactive in DealerMine, you will be logged out and will need to log back in.

OLS Features

  1. When a repair or recall is added, and the user reopens the screen and clicks CANCEL, the previously selected items will remain unchanged and will not be removed. Additionally, if the repair or recall screen is reopened and entries already exist, the ADD button will now be labeled as SAVE.

OLS Fixes

  1. Previously, there was an issue where information entered wasn't being saved when a user navigated back to a previous screen/step. We’ve fixed this up and now all data will be retained.

  2. We experienced an issue where the confirmation email sent immediately after a customer requested an appointment did not display all the booked opcodes. This was related to branching, but we have corrected this to run as it should.

  3. There was an issue with OLS on small screens where some sections weren't displayed, and the user couldn't scroll. We have implemented scroll bars to make sure all elements are visible.

  4. We have enhanced the cursor behavior when using OLS on a desktop with a mouse. Now, as you move the mouse, you will see the arrow cursor, which switches to a hand cursor when there is a selection or option available to click.

DMS Fixes

  1. SERTI - There was an issue where newly created customer files in DealerMine were disappearing and becoming unsearchable after creation. This was sorted through and now working as it should.

  2. SERTI - We had experienced a problem with certain company names not displaying in our product, preventing users from clicking on them to access the customer information screen and make necessary changes. We worked through the issue and have it all fixed up.

  3. SERTI - There was an issue where some vehicles were appearing on the previous owner’s profile in DealerMine, rather than the correct customer. Not anymore! This is all fixed up.

  4. Tekion - We are now using "primary = T" when receiving sales data from Tekion to correctly determine if a vehicle belongs to a specific deal on a customer profile. Previously, there may have been instances where vehicles marked "primary = F" were incorrectly shown.

Sales CRM Features

  1. First Visit - You can now track your customers and who was in for their first visit. In Showroom Configuration > Traffic Log Types, you will see a column with a check box for “First Visit”. Check off any Traffic Types that don’t represent the customer being physically in your Showroom for their first visit (e.g. Internet lead, Call in, etc.). Once the setup is complete, rather than seeing the Be-Back button on the Traffic Log, you will see a First Visit button. When the First Visit button is checked, it will then turn into a Be-Back button. Keep in mind, this be-back button cannot be checked until the next calendar day.

Sales CRM Fixes

  1. Worksheet & Inventory - The inventory count displayed while creating a worksheet is now consistently matching the totals on the "Browse Inventory" screen. No more mismatches!

  2. Portfolio Search - The search field had an issue where clicking the magnifying glass did not initiate the search. Users had to press the Enter key on their keyboards instead. We worked this little problem out and now clicking the magnifying glass initiates the search as expected.