DealerMine Automated Contact Flow has been implemented as a key enhancement for 2024. Contact Flow will leverage our existing batch processes in a way that ensures a predictable cadence of contact for all customers in your database rather than a randomly selected subset, as is the case with batch contacts currently.

This Contact Flow chart should help illustrate how it works:

Figure 1:

The result is a predictable contact flow in how you connect with your customers, allowing your appointment coordinators to focus on the most valuable activities - generating revenue (booking appointments and selling maintenance!)


  • Navigate to the Admin Menu —> Contact Flow Configuration

Figure 2:

  • Click “Options” then “Add Contact Flow”

Figure 3:

  • Move the available contact methods you want to use in your contact flow to the “Active” column

  • Within the “Active” column, drag and drop the contact methods to the desired order.

  • In Figure 4, a customer would receive a voice drop, then an email, then would land in call select (with the relevant recycle periods in between each contact)

Figure 4:

  • When activating Voice Drops, Email and Text within Contact Flow, you will have some additional configuration to make, similar to what you see in Batch Contacts currently.

Figure 5:

Here is what you will see once you have a Contact Flow set up:

  • Click Options —> Edit and you can change the various settings anytime as desired.

Figure 6:


Once Contact Flow is configured, the rest is automatic!

When it’s first activated, overnight, your entire database will be assessed and assigned to the stage in the Contact Flow that best matches them based on how they were last contacted or when their last service was. This will ensure your entire database doesn’t start at the beginning, which would mean very few contacts in Call Select, potentially for weeks depending on your setup.

That said, expect to see fewer contacts in Call Select since your database is now going to be leveraging digital contact methods in its entirety. There will definitely be more emails and texts to respond to as a result!

Please reference Figure 1 for a visual on how Contact Flow will be executed. Think of it as a more holistic and predictable approach to digital batch contacts.

Looking Ahead:

We will expand on Contact Flow and continue to build out our “Automation” initiative. By leveraging Generative AI, communicating with and selling to your customers will be easier than ever!

Watch out for
later in 2024!